Best-Paying College Major in the USA Is Petroleum Engineering


If you are looking for the best paying college major in America, do not look at the most popular. Although there are over 300,000 bachelor’s degrees awarded in business every year, it is not the highest paying sector. The students that choose to study petroleum engineering are going to be working in the highest paying field of labor. Jobs Across the World will help you find the best position for your skill. It does not matter where you are located or the position you deserve.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the median salary for petroleum engineers is estimated at just over $130,000 in 2017. PayScale says with a degree in Petroleum Engineering you will begin your career making close to $94,000 and can make as much as $175,000. If this is the degree path you wish to take, consider Texas A&M, according to U.S. News and World Report. Submit your resume to Jobs Across the World to find the best open job for you. After uploading your resume, you sit and wait on a call from an interested employer.

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